ナカニシ チハル   NAKANISHI Chiharu
  中西 千春
   所属   国立音楽大学  外国語科目
   職種   教授
発表年月日 2020/01/05
発表テーマ Training metacognition of students by use of the Bloom’s revised Taxonomy Table
会議名 Hawaii International Conference on Education 18th Annual Conference
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 共同
発表者・共同発表者 Chiharu NAKANISHI,Hodaka NAKANISHI, Asako MOTOJIMA
概要 The presenters will share their ideas of training metacognition for students by modifying the Bloom’s revised Taxonomy Table (Anderson and Krathwohl et al., 2001). The Taxonomy Table was originally made for teachers to gain more complete understanding of their objectives of their teaching. In this study, teachers substitute the types of knowledge with the words used in the subject content. By using the Taxonomy Table Substituted with easy to understand (TTS), the students can also use the TTS as a tool to self-check their knowledge in the past and something they should learn from now on.